- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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What is the source for relying upon a chazaka? What are the difference between tzara'as on a person, a utensil, and a house? Is there a difference between a safek de'oreisa and safek tum'ah? Is an internal tum'ah more stringent than a tum'ah from touching? Can tzara'as be tameh without a kohen being present? Is walking out backwards considered a yetziah? Are muzuzas needed on all doors? When is the yartzeit of a person killed in the camps? What is the nature of a non-unanimous vote of beis din? What is the minimum age to perform chalitza? How does a chazaka work? Chumash-Bamidbar: when is it permissible to look at the cheruvim? What is meant by kol chassan and kol kallah? Why did Moshe's face shine only after the second luchos?
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