The sugya in Makot addresses the issue of the status of a Ger Toshav with regard to the laws that govern inadvertent murder, does a Jew who kills a ger toshav go into Galus and find refuge in the Ir Miklat? And what if the Ger Toshav is guilty of unintentional murder? This will hinge on the nature of the conversion of a non-Jew when he accepts upon himself the commitment to the seven mitzvot of a Ben-Noach. Regarding the question of who is a Jew, and what obligations do we have vis-a-vis a non-Jew who observes the 7 mitzvot, we will begin our study of the chiddushim of HaRav Aaron Soleveichik za"l, to a Halachik topic which is relevant to the status of non-Jews today.
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