- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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How do we know to follow the majority? How many types of rove are there? In the case of nine stores selling meat, do we go by store number, or by volume of sales? Is Rav Meir worried about a very minute possibility? Why does a shochet only check the lungs?What percentage is a miyut hamatziu? Can one offer a treifa as a olah? How is a para aduma like a chattas? Is being machmir in a safek deoraisa, rabbinic or biblical? Can one redeem an eglah arufa, in order to benefit from it? In what regard is a treifa considered like a neveila? Do rabbis argue in metzius? Chumash:Shelach- If geirus is learned from ma'amad har Sinai, and geirus requires kabalos ol mitzvos befnei beis din, where was the beis din at Sinai?
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