We begin the mishna which addresses the concepts of Teshuvah & Kappara, the mechaper of Teshuvah the whole year 'round & on Y"K. When is Teshuvah an absolute requirement, i.e. it must accompany another Mechaper, when is Teshuvah a Mechaper on its own, when does a mechaper work without Teshuvah? We will find that Sair HaMishtale'ach is an independent mechaper without Teshuvah but only for "Kalos", i.e. less stringent violations; the same applies to Yom Kippur according to the opinion of Rebby, and Teshuvah is an independent Mechaper for Kalos. We will discuss situations in which Hashem leaves the sinner to his own & offers no help. And the Drasha of Rebby Akiva which praises Yisrael for its ability to achieve Taharah with Hashem's help.
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