Page 65, perek 11, se'if 3. There are multiiple ways to keep mitzvos (commandments); these ways define how a person sees his life of Torah. Rav Kook mainly differentiates between routinized, piece-work, assembly-line Yiddishkeit without an understanding of the 'whole,' the finished product, and a powerful all-encompassing current that washes over a person's entire life. For Rav Kook, Yiddishkeit is not a series of disconnected acts of obedience. Are we focusing on a beating heart, or a sequence of heart-beats? The Yiddishkeit of "ve'chai bahem" (and you shall live with them [mitzvos]) can completely wash over the person's entire life. A person who does not understand how every detail in halachah, minhag he observes connects to this powerful shetef hachayim (current of life) of Yiddishkeit certainly is rewarded, but he misses the central point of the connection to Hashem.
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