P. 184 in the sefer Toras HaRaiah on Toras Eretz Yisrael. In Eretz Yisrael. David HaMelech was great in Torah and the practical halacha was always poskened (decided) according to his opinion. Doeg and Achitophel were the greatest Torah geniuses in the generation, but they did not merit that the halacha would go according to them because they lacked yiras shamayim (fear of Heaven). The highest level is halacha, which is how Hashem wants us to live, and thus it is revealed only to those who fear Hashem. The Torah shares her secrets with us through the ktav (script), including the crowns on the letters. The translation of the Torah is the violation of the Torah. The brothers did not recognize Yosef because they did not merit to. The crown of 'nishma' (we will hear) comes to a tzaddik who has spent years on the 'na'aseh' (we will do). If you are inside Hashem's Torah, you have everything.
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