P. 201. Using ratzon (desire) in our avodas (service of) Hashem. Sometimes there needs to be quiet. Focusing on coming to oneself every moment of one's life. When desire takes us outside ourselves. Wanting good things in ruchnius (spirituality). Bringing something good from the outside to the inside and discovering that we had it inside all along. Seeing and desiring midos tovos (good traits) that we see in others. It's ok to "have" a nap on Shabbos, but it's not good to "need" the Shabbos nap. Even in ruchnius there is a madreiga of "being happy with what I have," but it's easy to misunderstand that concept and become complacent. Utterly and completely at peace within myself. The root of a ratzon generally is not a revelation of my very essence. Times when we're not running after anything at all. Without quiet, a person can never stop running.
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