P. 226. Investing time, thoughts and emotions in order to understand our spouse. Deep contemplation about oneself and to learn to understand the other. The importance of mature and deep conversation between the partners. Learning to understand each other before the crisis hits. A key benefit: By talking things out you get to know yourself better. The deep words of the t'nayim (conditions - read at the chassan's tish) - not to hide or run away from each other. Living a life, following all the rules without ever really talking to Hashem or to the spouse. We must have an outpouring of our hearts. Marriages where the partners is worried to even say anything. Clarifying by "talking it out." We have an obligation not to withhold ourselves from our spouses. Where do most marriage problems begin? Getting help from a yerei shamayim (G-d fearing) professional. Pre-marital counseling for every chassan and kallah to help prepare.
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