Based on the sefer Pirkei Machshavah - Nisyonos Acharis Hayamim (the tests of our generation) by Rav Ezriel Tauber. P86. The "terrible" trials and tribulations of the three-day Yom Tov (holiday). Transforming tzdakah's into marketing campaigns - what can this mitzvah (observing the commandment) do for me? Guaranteed results? How come I didn't get a prize for my Yiddishkeit? What is the reason for my learning and sitting 12-14 hours each day in the Beis Medrash; if this is not my natural choice, the results can be devastating. Connecting back to the time when Ezra and Nechemia brough back the Jews from Bavel (Babylonia); the Jews of that time, in the short period of 70 years, had fallen into a terrible spiritual state: intermarriage, avodah zarah (ido worship), etc. What did Ezra and Nechemia demand of these returnees? An active decision to do mitzvos - a most prominent example is the Ger tzedek (a gentile who converts to Judaism). A rant about those who promise results in return for charity. To convert means serving Hashem with everything that I have and I am.
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