Based on the sefer Pirkei Machshavah - Nisyonos Acharis Hayamim (the tests of our generation) by Rav Ezriel Tauber. P88. Geirus - conversion means: What can I do for Hashem, and NOT: What can Hashem/Yiddishkeit do for me? The war at the end of time: Do we want to be Jews and serve Hashem with a fire - this needs to be our choice, rather than a societal or parental decision. Frum and unhappy is not a good combination. What is the minimum I must do so that my kids still respect me and I don't go to Gehinnom after 120. Are we serving Hashem like a servant, or like a child who is interested in the parents' welfare? How do you explain to somebody that accapela during the nine days is not Hashem's will, but rather a way to get around the "rule." Strictly speaking we can keep halachah, but miss the whole point of being a Jew. Adjusting our expectations to our children in this generation. A rant about terribly old-fashioned female teachers [they are a minority but they do exist] who are making our daughters crazy with their demands and unrealistic standards for young women and men in 2013. When somebody makes you feel embarrassed for having married somebody who works!
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