The meeting of Yaakov and Eisav is the prototype of Jews meeting anyone wanting to destroy us. We live in a conflicting world and search for the Oneness of Hashem. Shabbos is a mezuzah "in time" touching the tachlis (purpose) of life when we return to the One Who is behind everything. Beauty of Torah is the multitude of opinions and finally reaching the halacha (accepted legal decision) where we find Oneness in this world of contradictions. The world is filled with ways to come closer to Hashem. All of Yaakov's children came "home." Chanukah is the secret of the separation between Eisav and Ishmael. Chanukah is the last gift that Hashem gave us to keep us alive in the long stretch of darkness until Moshiach comes. Chanukah interrupts the flow of misery in our history. Yaakov gave us the ability to withstand loneliness. The ohr haganuz (hidden inner light) is the goodness in our lives.
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