The Greeks forced the Jews to engrave on the horn's of their oxen the words "You have no portion with the G-d of Israel." The Greeks were successful in getting the vast majority to forget Torah since they found the weak point in the Jewish life – their kedusha. Enjoy the world and keep Shabbos! Go to a show with your provocatively dressed wife! Go on a glatt kosher cruise! You'll have the best of both worlds now! The darkness of Greece is what we see on many Jewish faces today whether in Brooklyn or Yerushalayim. A Jew can continue to observe mitzvos coldly with no heart, no feeling for Torah and Hashem. Greek culture – the I Phone, Facebook – have infiltrated into our homes. How long can we dance at two weddings at the same time? We need to make a covenant with our eyes. We need to re-dedicate the broken mizbeyach (altar) in ourselves NOW. We need to find the Yosef haTzadik in ourselves NOW.
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