Based on a ma'amar in the sefer Mei Marom by R' Yaakov Moshe Charlap z'l. What did Chazal (the Sages) mean when they identified "the day we begin to count sins?" How far can the purity of Yom Kippur stretch? If we cannot justify ourselves, how come we are asking Hashem for mishpat (judgement), rather than rachamim (compassion)? The root of a Jewish as opposed to a gentile soul. Succos brings out everything we have worked for during Yom Kippur. Holding the arbah minim (four species) up high. The concept of being "much'shar" (prepared) to receive. Hashem is waiting for us in the Succah to cover us with His Clouds of Glory - shuvah elai (come back to me). A gadget-free Succah, because we WANT to BE in the Succah, not because we are forced into it due to our desire to eat. Feeling the preciousness of every moment in life does not allow us to be "asleep" in the Succah.
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