The Ramban offers a definition of Meleches Ochel Nefesh on Yom Yov & addresses Ketzira & Tzeida which are Melachos before Lisha. These are melachos that are implemented before you have an 'ochel'. This would not exclude Techina (grinding) or Borer (removing פסולת); for this Ramban introduces another requirement for Ochel Nefesh, i.e. a melacha normally performed for today's immediate use. We will compare the presentation of the Ramban to that of Tos'. The latter quotes the Yerushalmi to the effect that Melachos that proceed Lisha (kneeding) are excluded from Ochel Nefesh by virtue of an analogy to Shmira for Matza. We will try to defend Tos' against the contradiction from a sugya in Shabbos that removing sediments is permitted on Y"T.
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