The Yerushalmi raises the question of Daled Kosos with wine of Shvi'is. The korban Eda explains that just as Matzah requires ownership so does the mitzva of Daled Kosos & shvi'is is not שלכם. We will try to make sense out of this. Others say that the Yerushalmi is referring to a case where the shvi'is is prohibited under שמור ונעבד; others explain that the case is after the שעת ביעור. The bulk of our shiur is dedicated to understand the approach of the Responsa Har Tzvi who argues that the issue is חבילות חבילות, i.e. one is enjoined from fulfilling two mitzvot simultaneously. If so we must assume the Ramban's opinion that eating shvi'is is a Mitzvah, and by drinking this wine he is fulfilling two mitzvot. When is the שתייה complete?
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