We seek to investigate the Halacha of one whose health is ill effected by the mitzva, e.g. by drinking the four cups of wine or eating the marror. The broader issue touches upon mitzvos in general, how far does the obligation to perform a mitzva go? One is exempt from spending more than 20% of his assets for a mitzva; we know that a מצטער פטור מן הסוכה but how does this apply to other mitzvot? Is there a difference between suffering & illness? The Mishna Brura exempts one from Daled Kosos if he will fall ill as a result, but explains this exemption based on a unique Halacha of דרך חרות, implying that in other mitzvot one would be obligated. Likewise the exemption from Marror may be an exception rather than the rule.
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