What age constraints do kohanim have? Why is a miyut of keri not batel in rov shichvas zera? Who should urinate prior to tevilah? When should a bearded person daven for the amud? Does chinuch start at the same time, for all mitzvos? At what age can one give a kohen katan terumah? Do ketanim duchan alone or with gedolim? Why do we say "kohanim" prior to the duchan? Is there a difference between kavana for a mitzva and l'shma? Why does the heavenly court punish at twenty and not thirteen? Is there a shevet Levi and kedushas Levi? Which utensils cannot become tamei? Can a seed become tamei, biblically?
Chumas:Shemini- Which letter and which word are in the middle of the torah? Are our scrolls without any errors?
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