What are the differences between a ketana, na'arah, and a bogeres? Are there such differences in a male?Can a girl be an orphan while both parents are alive? When can an older brother or a mother marry off a girl? What type of misspelling pasuls a torah? What age limits exist in chalitza? Does one ever receive lashes for a sin done b'shogeig? Why was a shofar blown erev shabbos? Why can one not be m'kabel shabbos before plag? Can one undo a kabalos shabbos via hataras nedarim?Does one need to be mekabel shabbos with dibur? How does shechita of an animal differ from a bird? Is shechita a mitzva?
Chumash-Behar/Bechukotai: how do the curses in this parsha differ from Ki Tavo? Why is the destruction of the temple not in Ki Tavo?
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