What aspect of shechita applies to birds, bibilcaly? What nafka mina would there be, if shecita of birds is rabbinic or biblical? How does malika differ from shechita? When does a karban mincha become kedushas guf versus kedushas damim lamizbeach? What is the difference between a mum over and a mum kavua? Does one need kavana when slaughtering pesulei hamikdashin? Can pesulai hamikdashin be slaughtered in the azara? Is there a priority in birds in slaughtering one siman over another siman? What is the difference between derasa and derusa? How does a slight hole differ from the kanah and veshet?
Chumash: Behaalotecha- It is not proper to begin or end an aliya with something bad, and in this parsha, chamishi ends in the wrong place.
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