- Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
- Date:
- Duration: 32 min
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Author: Chaim Hoffman
Could you send me the reference to the article or book that analyzed the meter structure of biblical poetry the paralell meter structure, and the KINOT NON-PARALELL STRUCTURE. You might be interesred in the article by Chayim Cohen on "The Widowed City" discussing the concept of ALMANA. Thank you Chaim Hoffman Moshav Beit Gamliel Emek Soreq, 76880
Author: Teacher Reply
Dear Mr. Hoffman, Karl Budde wrote the oft-cited "trailblazing" article on Qinnah-meter (it appeared in the 2nd issue of ZAW back in 1882). Nearly every commentary on Eikhah written since then at least makes mention of his work and then goes on to critique, accept part or all of it to Eikhah. As always, James Kugel's "The Idea of Biblical Poetry" is a great reference. A good starting place in English is Garr's work (citation: Garr, W Randall. "The Qinah: A Study Of Poetic Meter, Syntax And Style." *Zeitschrift FuÌr Die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft* 95.1 (1983): 54-75. *ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials*. Web. 13 July 2015) Hope this helps you in your follow-up study. B'virkat haTorah,