Hilchos Mezuzah in Modern Architecture part 2

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December 22 2015
1h 23min 21s

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    1. Title: Mezzuza on Elevator
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Reuvain Mendlowitz &##44;

      Lichvod HaRav Simon, First of all I'd like to express my appreciation for all the wonderful shiurim! I am nehneh from them often. I heard on the mezuza shiur that you quoted R' Dovid Feinstein shlit"a as holding that a building which is only inhabited by Yidden would require a mezuza on the elevator. This is now the second time I have heard this bishmo. I was wondering if you were able to clarify from him; A. Which floors need a mezuzah. (And who is chayav) B. On which side of the doorway. (Difference between main floor and others?) C. Did he mean on the elevator itself (Minchas Yitzchok) or the doorway in front of the elevator. (R' Elyashiv R' Vosner etc.) Yaasher koach, Reuvain Mendlowitz

    2. Title: Mezzuza on Elevator
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Reuvain Mendlowitz &##44;

      Lichvod HaRav Simon, First of all I'd like to express my appreciation for all the wonderful shiurim! I am nehneh from them often. I heard on the mezuza shiur that you quoted R' Dovid Feinstein shlit"a as holding that a building which is only inhabited by Yidden would require a mezuza on the elevator. This is now the second time I have heard this bishmo. I was wondering if you were able to clarify from him; A. Which floors need a mezuzah. (And who is chayav) B. On which side of the doorway. (Difference between main floor and others?) C. Did he mean on the elevator itself (Minchas Yitzchok) or the doorway in front of the elevator. (R' Elyashiv R' Vosner etc.) Yaasher koach, Reuvain Mendlowitz

    Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by the Schreier family in celebration of Shabsi Schreier’s birthday and by Nurit Esral, Etana and Moshe Dechter, and Tali and Shlomo Rosenblatt in memory of Aliza Esral a"h, Aliza Chaya bat Nachum Leib V'Naami a"h on her 16th yartzeit