Rabbi Bednarsh,
Firstly allow me to say how much I enjoy your shiurim - all of them, but particularly the series on zemiros Shabbos which I am enjoying now. Your shiurim have certainly enhanced my Shabbos table with my family. After many years of (mistakenly) not singing Tzur Me'shelo, I have once again started singing it to the great delight of my daughter who informed me that this zemer was one of her favorites.
Question: Is it proper to sing the zemer (as well as all the other zemirot) with the proper use of shem H', or are we supposed to sing just saying "Hashem" (even though it doesn't rhyme)?
Also, if we are to use the proper shem of H' (adnus) what about in, for example, the zemer "Shimroo Shabtotoai" where the traditional melody has us repeating the refrain "Shabbat ha'yom la'H" twice each time?
Thank You Very Much,
Barry Eisenman
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Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Barry Eisenman #44;
Rabbi Bednarsh, Firstly allow me to say how much I enjoy your shiurim - all of them, but particularly the series on zemiros Shabbos which I am enjoying now. Your shiurim have certainly enhanced my Shabbos table with my family. After many years of (mistakenly) not singing Tzur Me'shelo, I have once again started singing it to the great delight of my daughter who informed me that this zemer was one of her favorites. Question: Is it proper to sing the zemer (as well as all the other zemirot) with the proper use of shem H', or are we supposed to sing just saying "Hashem" (even though it doesn't rhyme)? Also, if we are to use the proper shem of H' (adnus) what about in, for example, the zemer "Shimroo Shabtotoai" where the traditional melody has us repeating the refrain "Shabbat ha'yom la'H" twice each time? Thank You Very Much, Barry Eisenman