The Evolution of Kabalah and Chassidut

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February 25 2016
56min 14s


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    1. Title: Want to argue over something.
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Saul Katz &##44;

      I was just listing you your lecture and enjoyed it very much. I respect how knowledgeable you are. However, you said something (an opinion) that I take issue with. I study history and especially the Mikabulim period. You mention the "Spanish inquisition was as devastating as the Holocaust". Wow! what comparison, the whole inquisition, over 300 years, killed what 1,300 Jews. To the he Nazis Y"M that was a snack, breakfast was 4-5,000 shot in the field outside the city. Getting kicked out of a country , yes, was a historical bookmark or turning point which every kid knows about. To be forced to flee, might of had a huge impact on all the Jews in Europe in their psyche. But comparing it....are you not diminishing the six million killed?? Given, you maybe can compare the Chemlnesky atrocities or even more so the first world War, where hundreds of thousands had to watch as terror was inflicted upon them and their families. Watching every hooligan taking turns on his wife or daughters, watching his old father getting his eyes taken out or his baby thrown out the second story window for sport, maybe? To compare it to the Spanish banishment, keeping in mind they had a safe haven to go the Ottman Empire, is hard to accept that. Sholi Katz Monsey NY

    Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Rachel and Yosie Levine in memory of Judith Levine and by the Goldberg and Mernick Families to mark the yahrzeit of Samuel M. Goldberg, R’ Shmuel Meir ben R’ Eliyahu HaCohen z”l