When creating a temurah of a chattos, what does one do with the second chattos? What does one do with the leftover money designated for a chattos, olah, or asham? Can one create a temurah of a limb? Is the genetically mutated baby of a cow, kosher, without split hoofs? Should one be mafrish ma'aser beheima today? Give examples of karbanot yachid and tzibur, and kadshei bedek habayis and kadshei mizbe'ach? Is the issur of yotzei min ha'asur similar to the original issur? Which are the three organs that life depends upon? When does a ben pakuah require shechita? Why is it permitted to do a ha'arama to make a partnership with a gentile to patur from a bachor beheima?
Chumash-Shimini: What was the status of the mishkan before the eighth day?
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