The sugya in Masechet Chullin 98b is searching for the source for ביטול בשישים. Can this principle be derived from זרוע בשלה באיל? The beraisa establishes that this is the exception to the rule rather than the rule; a special Heter for the non-koshen to eat the ram even though it was cooked with the זרוע. But what is the rule? Rave tells us that the rule is that in Kadshim the taste engenders an Issur. What is Rava teaching re: טעם כעיקר בקדשים ובחולין? We will study the long & somewhat complicated Rashi on this question, and at least begin to understand the words of Tos'. The latter assumes that the issue of Rava involves a טעם כל דהו, i.e when the Ta'am cannot be felt in the Ta'aroves.
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