For Masechet Chullin 98b we will study two issues: can the Parsha of the 'ram of the Nazir' serve as the source for ביטול בשישים? Or shall we assume an independent tradition that was transmitted over the generations by the Chachamim to the effect that any Issur that falls into a mixture will lose its impact בשישים. The latter approach is that of Tos' who assumes in his 1st approach that 'the ram' tells us nothing about מין בשאינו מינו which is the case of transferal of Ta'am. We will study the interpretation of Rashi to the statement of Rava according to which the Torah assumes טעם כעיקר only with regard to Kodshim but not re: chullin. In the latter area Ta'am is a Rabbinic Issur. We will study Tos' re-interpretation of Rashi.
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