For Masechet Kiddushin 30b-31b we will study the incredible significance & severity of respecting parents. Is there another Mitzva bein Adam LeChaveiro that is compared to the honer & reverence we owe to the Almighty? Is there any Mitzva which is so severe and challenging that we prefer not to be included in this mitzva? Is there another mitzva which is rational & accepted by the nations of the world & yet is a Divine decree which requires a commitment to a Gezeiras Hakasuv defying human logic? Can we find another mitzva which serves as the subject of a long string of stories in the Aggadeta that record the fulfillment of this mitzva by the giants of our people? Did R' Tarfon achieve less than half of this mitzva? Leave the Land for Kibbud?
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