Can a kohen be in the same room with his wife, who's baby has died in her womb? If a lion swallows a human limb, does that limb cause tumah b'ohel? Can a kohen touch a metal instrument that is a avi avos hatumah? How is a metzorah metamei b'biah? Can a kohen touch a dead mouse? Can the pregnant wife of a kohen or yisrael, attend a funeral? Does one need to elevate one's feet while being tovel? Can a woman use earplugs while being tovel? Is a splinter a chaztizta? Can one give challah in chutz la'aretz to a kohen that was tovel? Who brings a karban chatas oleh v'yored? How does a chaya differ from a beheima?
Chumash-Metzora- Why does the torah speak about washing one's hands, and not about being tovel one's whole body? Asmachta for what?
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