The sugya in Masechet Kiddushin 38a-38b addresses the various mitzvot that depend upon the produce of the land yet apply even in Chutz LaAretz: Chodash, Arlah, and Kla'ei HaKerem. Are these Issurim DePraisa or Derabanan? Or, perhaps, Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai? The sugya addresses the cases of two mitzvot that were only given to the People after they entered the Land, yet they apply even in Chutz LaAretz: שמיטת כספים ושילוח עבדים. How do we know that these were only given after Bnei Yisrael entered the Land? Are the laws of Arlah & Kela'im equal? This becomes relevant in Chutz LaAretz in cases of ספק (doubt).
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