For Kiddushin 47b-48b we will study a debate recorded in the beraisa regarding קידושי שטר. What was the nature of the שטר he gave her for kiddushin? Why did some Tana'im invalidate the Kiddushin? What was left out of the שטר? Even if the document was written and transferred properly, perhaps the kiddushin is invalid because the MeKadesh who owns the document may waive (מוחל) payment of the loan. The sugya pushes for the position that if the מקדש wipes of her debt to him (מלוה) certainly he is giving her nothing & the kiddushin are invalid. What if the witnesses did not sign the שטר? What if the שטר was not written לשמה? Or it was written without the approval of the woman? What if a laborer creates a product and exempts her from payment?
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