- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
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The sugya in Masechet Chullin 95a establishes the distinction between a Safek in the stores which is קבוע & a Safec in the piece of meat that he found, which shop did it come from? In the latter case we apply the principle of רוב. We will study the Pri Chadash who records a great debate: the controversy that divides the Rishonim, if he had every reason to believe that all the shops in town sell kosher meat, but after he came home with his meat he finds out that one shop was selling non-kosher meat. Which principle applies in this case? We will to see the language of the Rashba & the Ra'ah, and add a discution based upon the famous rule of the Ran in Chullin. i.e. קבוע למפרע לא אמרינן.
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