Is כופר a penalty, i.e. a קנס? Does the owner of the ox pay based on his own admission? If he's exempt from כופר, does he pay דמים? The latter is not a קנס and as regular compensation the obligation to pay can be established based on a confession. This discussion is relevant both in the case where the ox killed an Eved - so admits the owner of the ox - and payment of 30 Shekalim as קנס is excluded, but also to "my ox killed a בן חורין", if not to pay "Kofer", at least to pay 'damim". The sugya in bava kamma 43a-b addresses these issues. It first addresses the issue: defining ראוי in the laws of inheritance regarding the husband when his wife passes away, and a 1st born who receives 2x of his father's estate.
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