- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
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The first half of the sugya in Masechet Bava Kamma 54a-b addresses the subject of how to derive the inclusion of all animals & birds in the obligation to pay damages for Bor. The Torah specifies an ox and a donkey but what about other animals? How do we derive the obligation of Bor for birds? The challenge of how to derive all animals applies to many other Halochos. Examples:a theif, returning a lost object, muzzling an animal, not working with two animals of two species simultaneously, not crossbreeding two species, not working on Shabbat with animals. The 2nd part of the sugya addresses the question: who owns the ox that gores, is it an intelligent individual? And is the ox that gores 'intelligent'?
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