The sugya in Bava Kamma 90a addresses the question of how to define respective ownership in a unique category of partnership where one owns the גוף while the other owns פירות. Which of the two, if any, owns the fundamental dimension and primary aspect of ownership. In the case of an Eved, this issue will determine which of the 'partners' is included in the law of יום יומיים? Which of the owners will generate freedom of the Eved if he removes an eye or a tooth of the Eved? If the Eved is 'jointly' owned by a wife and her husband, i.e נכסי מלוג, which can sell the Eved and guarantee the buyer perpetual ownership in the Eved? We will also touch on the issue: of what relevance is a Kinyan HaGuf without a Kinyan Peiros?
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