Rabba distinguishes between destroying the seal on a coin & destroying the very physical metal of the coin. We will study the sugya in Bava Kamma 98a and analyze the four statements of Rabba re: גרמא בנזיקין, and the objections of Rava. Monies lost by the Nizak as a result of a Ma'aseh Hezek in the cases of גרמא cannot be collected in a Jewish Court of law (but the Mazik is obligated to reimburse the Nizak in דין שמים). Is the disqualification of an animal of Hekdesh LeMizbeach defined as a case of direct damage or is it גרמא? What about the destruction of a loan document? We do understand that throwing the coin to the bottom of the sea is an indirect damage, as is banging on a wall & causing the Eved's loss of hearing.
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