Can one lift an object and be זוכה on behalf of his friend? Is that that the Chiddush of our Mishna that we split the Talis? Or is the Mishna addressing a unique case? The sugya in Masechet Bava Metzia 8a addresses the case of two individuals who lifted an owner-less object together. Can a חרש pick up an object on behalf of a פיקח? Does one who admits re: half the Talis achieve the credibility of 'Migu'? At the end of the shiur we will begin the sugya of the ambiguity re: the statement of Shmuel re: the Rochev & the Manhig, i.e., the rider who sits on the animal & the Manhig who leads the animal. Would one of these be superior to the other? We will continue this sugya in the next shiur after Rosh Hashana.
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