- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
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The sugya in Masechet Bava Metzia 21b-22b analyzes the great debate between Abaye & Rava re: יאוש שלא מדעת. We will learn that this is not a specific & limited controversy with regard to the obligation (or exemption) of returning a lost object, but rather has global applications impacting many areas of Halacha including the laws of Hafrashas Teruma & Hechsher קבלת טומאה. Some want to compare this debate to the famous issue of יש ברירה, but we will take a different path. What lies at the heart of the issue is the objective שם אבוד regarding a lost object and the comparison between a דבר שאין בו סימן and an object washed away at sea אבודה ממנו ומכל אדם.
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