Our sugya B"Matzia 32 analyzes the mitzvos of loading & unloading, פריקה וטעינה, Parshiot in Shemot (unloading), and Dvarim (loading) and the possible differences between the two. Acc to Chachamim in the case of unloading, the טוען may demand payment. In contrast, פריקה is a 'high-level' mitzvah which must be performed without remuneration. The latter Mitzva contains within it the element of relieving the animal of its suffering. This leads directly to the sugya of the status of צער בעלי חיים. Is this DeOraisa or DeRabanan? Many proofs will be adduced one way or the other, with no apparent final conclusion. Rava insists DeOraisa as this is the basis for the premise that had the Torah taught טעינה we would derive פריקה from a Kal VaChomer.
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