For our study of Hilchos Niddah we seek to analyze the insights of the סדרי טהרה to סימן קצ"ו. Does the Zichron Yosef have us convinced that the Rosh re: פולטת ש"ז agree that a ספק נדה must be governed by the rules that apply to ספק טומאה ברשות היחיד? Is there a contradiction in the Ra'aved re: a ראייה which is not סותרת, can that day be counted in the
ז' נקיים? On the one hand, re: דם מחמת קושי the Ra'aved excludes that day since it is not a יום נקי; on the other hand the Ra'aved is willing to include the day of פולטת ש"ז as part of the seven days! Finally, does the סמ"ק quoted by the Beit Yosef contradict the Rosh regarding פולטת ש"ז on the last of the 7 days?
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