This shiur will focus on the issue of the beracha on Tevillas Niddah: how to solve the problem of ערוה. We will prove that the 'pure' Halacha would not validate the accepted practice of Jewish women as far as when to recite the Beracha. This is so because of the principle of לבו רואה את הערוה, i.e., it is not sufficient that the body is covered, but rather the permissibly of reciting a Beracha requires a separation (הפסק) between the upper and lower parts of the body. Although there are various ways of circumventing this problem, the accepted Minhag does not reflect any of these alternatives. Our נשים will recite the ברכה while they are submerged in the Mikva waters with nothing blocking their view of the ערוה. How do we justify the Minhag?
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