In this shiur for Hilchos Pesach we seek to understand the nature of the obligation of reciting Hallel on Pesach. We will divide Pesach into four units: Leil ishon, Yom Tov Rishon, Chol HaMoed, the Last Day(s) of Pesach. Our goal is to understand the reasoning of the sugya in Arachin that Hallel is omitted on the six days of Pesach because the identical קרבן is brought on all the days, and to reconcile this reason with that of the Midrash quoted by the Beit Yosef and others that מעשי ידי טובעים בים. We will address the issue of one who did not recite Hallel on the 1st Day, is he obligated in Hallel on one of the other days. Fundamentally there are two different מחייבים of Hallel, the Moed and the Miracle.
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