Lilui nishmas Yitzchack Meir ben Gershon.
Why is Pesach called Chag Hamatzos and Chag Hapesach? What is the yetzer hara's goal for us in the days leading up to Pesach? Why do we seemingly start the seder with Karpas? What is the deeper meaning of Karpas? Why do we knock out the teeth of the Rasha?! That will drive him even more away! When are the nations of the world able to hurt us? What is true darkness? What is the main lesson of when Moshe came out of his palace and saw the fighting? What is the goal of a leader? Why do we say in Dayeinu it would have been enough if we came to Har Sinai and not gotten the Torah? What is the connection between Tisha Bi'av and Pesach?
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