This shiur is the first of a series of two shiurim and is meant to serve as an introduction to the sugya of אין עושין מצוות חבילות חבילות with specific emphasis on the laws of Pesach. Two mitzvos performed simultaneously. The Rav presented a unique definition of this principle: one חפצא של מצוה being used for two separate mitzvot. Add to this the Rav's chiddush that re: Kiddush, the drinking of the cup of wine is an integral part of the mitzva of kiddush. This is unique to kiddush; regarding classical כוס של ברכה the drinking is secondary and perhaps even unnecessary. The cup of wine over which the Beracha is recited is not a חפצא של מצוה. This serves as an explanation of the Rambam re: using the כוס של ברכת המזון for the mitzva of Havdala.
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