Halacha for Pesach: This is the second and concluding shiur on the sugya of אין עושין מצוות חבילות חבילות as this principle applies to the mitzvos of the night of Pesach. We will study a Teshuva of the Har Tzvi re: חבילות in the case of using שביעית wine for the mitzva of Daled Kosos. Can we apply the conceptual structure created by the Har Tzvi to the following issue: why do we use the same כוס at the Seder fro both Kiddush and (the first of the ) Daled Kosos? Does this not aggravate the requirement to avoid חבילות? How is this different from the case of using the כוס של קידוש for Bircas HaMazon which is unacceptable due to חבילות.
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