The sugya addresses the issue of מקח טעות when the buyer finds that the wine he purchased turned to vinegar & demands a refund. If the wine turned to vinegar shortly after the sale, i.e. within 72 hours, it indicates that the wine was well on the way to becoming vinegar at the time of the sale. The sugya addresses the status of wine that has begun to turn to vinegar but still has the taste of wine, is it wine as far as ברכת בורא פרי הגפן or is it no longer wine and fits into the general Beracha of שהכל. What is the status of this wine as far as Teruma is concerned? What is the status of צמד, when he soaks sediments of wine in water, the water received the taste of wine, is it considered wine for Beracha, Teruma, Maaser & הכשר לקבלת טומאה?
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