Which liquids from a dead person, or a zava are metamei? Are the sprinklings from para aduma, metaher? For what does a tvul yom, need he'erev shemesh? What can become a av, rishon, sheini, shilishi, revi'i, and a chamishi la'tumah? Which objects can be metamei, without being touched? How much of the blood of a animal requires to be covered? What is the reason to perform kisui hadam? Can one place tifillin on a paralyzed or gangrenous arm? What is the rule regarding what one can perform kisui hadam, with? Why did Avraham not take the booty from his military victory against the four kings?
Chumash:Emor- Why is a kohen metamei to his relatives? What parallels exist between command #1 and #6 of the aseres h'dibros? How does kavod habriyos work?
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