Why did Avraham not keep the booty of the four kings? How many strings are of techeles, and what does it remind one of? How does one put on shoes and why? How did the Hafla'ah become the rav of Frankfurt? Why did some rabbanim not eat non-kosher in the camps during WW2? Shavuos: How was the torah given in Sinai, Arvos Moav, and Ohel Moed? Were there multiple texts ? Are there more than five books of Moshe? How do we know the laws of tzararos? Why 39 lashes? Should one read what he does not understand? Can one be lenient in all halacha l'Moshe M'Sinais? Will all 24 books remain canonized? Why are the neviim called kevalah? Why are there so many arguments as to what is the law? Are knew biblical laws observed retroactively?Do all agree to 613
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