How was the Torah given at Sinai, Arvos Moav, and Ohel Moed? Is the Torah a composite of multiple texts? Are there more than five books of Moshe? What is a halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai? How is the Torah written in midas ha'din? Why do we give 39 lashes and not 40? Should a ignoramus recite gemara like tehilim? Is one lenient in all safek halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai? Will all 24 books remained canonized? Why are the prophets referred to as divrei kabalah? Did Moshe teach every chidush that every future student will say? Why are there so many disputes between rabbis, if Moshe taught us all of the Torah? Are newly interpreted biblical laws, binding retroactively? Why do we emphasize gemara instead of Tanach? Do all agree that there are 613 mitzvot?
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