For today's Daf, Masechet Sanhedrin 72a: Why is the burglar to be killed? Is it the חיוב הרודף or the הצלת הנרדף? If the former we need to warn the בא במחתרת just as we need to warn any criminal. But if the latter there is no need for a warning. Does the burglar have a full-fledged status as a רודף? Can anyone kill him or only the occupant who's life is endangered by the burglar is allowed to kill him? Is there a specific method of killing the burglar? Does the burglar have to tunnel his way thru the wall in order be killed? What if he easily opens a door? If a Rodef can be killed even without a warning, e.g. in the case of a קטן הרודף, what about the case of the fetus who endangers the Mother during the birth process?
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