![Rabbi Hershel Schachter](https://cdnyutorah.cachefly.net/_images/roshei_yeshiva/hershel_schachter.jpg)
- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
Which leg(s) did the angel damage on Yaakov? How many days does one need to wait before marrying a divorcee, a convert, and before performing yibum/chalitza, and why? Would a serum pregnancy test suffice in any of the above? Does hasra'as safek work by malkus or capital punishment? When can one be exonerated from malkus by fulfilling a mitzvas aseh? Does nosar have malkus? Give an example of a biriah less than a kezayis? Which part of the gid hanasheh is prohibited min hatorah? What does the conflict betwen Yaakov and the angel represent? Did Yaakov's children not eat gid hanasheh? What does each creation try to achieve in this world? Chumash: Lech Lecha- why does one first place the right shoe, then left shoe, then tie the left etc?
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